Arranged Marriages in America

I do not think arranged marriages in America would be suffice, they would corrupt our society and make our people angry. An arranged marriage is when two people are forced to marry based on parental or family choice. People would not like this at all because we want freedom to do things such as marry who we want and love, not who is chosen by others. It is unfair for both people engaged in the marriage because they could have nothing in common and despise each other but for the parents and families, they don’t care, and do it for the title or money. So no, i do not think that arranged marriages in America would work.

Is lying ever justified?

When the thought of lying being justified is brought up, there will typically be controversy, but i say it is justified in a sense at certain times. For example, a life or death situation where you tell the enemy one thing to ensure safety of your self or those close around you. Then others think well it is a huge sin to lie, well i disagree because in some instances lies keep you and the people around you going and sometimes lies spice up stories like the “old fish story’ where every time you tell it the fish gets bigger and bigger. That is my final thoughts.

Love at first sight

When asked on my thoughts on love at first sight, I say that is a false statement and is not true, in some ways yes but no. No, i think you don’t know enough of someone to love them from seeing them. You don’t know their personality, what they like or dislike, hobbies, passions, etc. Then there is also the thought of liking someones looks and clothing and outward appearance, but you don’t really now them or what they are truly like. so in a sense, I am kinda on the fence over whether it can be true or entirely false.